Poster Communications: Killian Pujol--Nicolas, Roberta Baggio, Jean-Baptiste Filippi, Dominique Lambert, Jean-François Muzy, et al.. Improving prediction of heavy rainfall in the Mediterranean region using Neural Networks. 3rd MedCyclones...
Title: Improving probabilistic wind speed forecasting using M-Rice distribution and spatial data integration Authors: Roberta Baggio, Jean-François Muzy. We consider the problem of short-term forecasting of surface wind speed probability...
Title: Solar irradiance time series forecasting using auto-regressive and extreme learning methods: Influence of transfer learning and clustering Authors: Milan Despotovic, Cyril Voyant, Luis Garcia-Gutierrez, Javier Almorox, Gilles Notton Solar resource...
This thesis, carried out by Diego GRANTE and supervised by Christophe PAOLI and Rachel BAILE, is conducted within the computer system and ubiquitous system (SISU) team at the University of Corsica and is part of the SAPHiR project (ANR-21-CE04-0014-03)....
Présentation de Ms Sylvain Coquillat et Dominique Lambert (LAERO) le jeudi 7 décembre 2023 à Corte, Campus Grimaldi salle 206 sur le thème "Spécificités de la météo en Corse : focus...
In the context of his thesis, Killian PUJOL, a new PhD student from Laboratoire d’Aérologie (LAERO) in Toulouse, has spent a month and a half working at the Laboratoire Sciences Pour l'Environnement (SPE) from the University of Corsica...
The aim of the TERINT scientific meeting is to enlighten the scientific communities on the advances in "smart territories", to refine the notion of smart, if possible, in different disciplines at the service of the territory through contributions...
The Call for applications for thesis offers for the year 2023/2024 is open until April 28, 2023 at 12 p.m. Go to the Doctoral School website : > banner > Thesis offers 2022/2023 and on your Digital Campus, "Doctoral...
Title: Complex-valued time series based solar irradiance forecast Authors: C. Voyant, P. Lauret, G. Notton, J.-L. Duchaud, L. Garcia-Gutierrez, et G. A. Faggianelli, A new method for short-term probabilistic forecasting of global solar irradiance...
This internship is part of the ANR SAPHiR project and proposes to develop new methods for predicting rare and extreme weather events at high spatial and temporal resolution. In this context, two complementary missions are envisaged: the first oriented...
Formation, vie étudiante, recherche, développement du territoire... Retrouvez toute l'actualité de l'Università di Corsica sur